Since the beginning of time, Man has searched for signs to unravel the meaning of his destiny. Looking into the sky, an order seemed to exist, patterns that could not have just randomly emerged out of the void. He looked around him: the fields, the plants, the rocks, the rivers, the mountains, the valleys. He saw the succession of seasons, of day and night, of light and darkness, of heat and cold. He saw fire, earth, air and water. He saw the colors of the rainbow and the magic of light.
The wisdom of nature was operating within him, guiding him towards the basic laws of his own life. Illuminating the night, the millions of stars filled him with fear and awe, awakening a deeper desire to uncover the secrets of his existence. When he started studying the movement of the planets, parallels with human affairs began to emerge, too many and far too precise to be attributed to mere coincidences. Hence, astrology -the language of the stars- was born.