Pluto in Virgo Generation (1956-72)

We have all heard of the Boomers, the Milleniums, Generation X, Z, Alpha, and the upcoming Beta, This refers to the fact that all the babies born within a decade or two, grow up displaying very related characteristics. I like to think of this as waves of souls who come as a group with a similar karma or preparation, to make specific changes in the collective consciousness to further,-or in some cases transform, humanity’s evolution.

Astrologically, generations are very real, their dates and characteristics are also more precise than what sociology has determined through mere external observation.

The slowest moving planet is Pluto which spends one to two decades in one sign. This means that all the babies born within that given time frame have Pluto in the same sign. Within that period, we have sub-generations determined respectively by the position of Neptune which spends 13 years in one sign and Uranus which goes through one sign in 7 years.

As we are about to welcome a new generation, Generation Beta who will have Pluto in Aquarius, I’d like to study Generation Jones generally accepted to encompass everybody born between 1954 and 1965. According to Astrology, Gen Jones started 3 to 4 years later in 1957/58 when Pluto entered Virgo and Neptune entered Scorpio, and ended in 1971/72.

What does Astrology have to say about this generation?


According to sociologists, generation Jones began in the prosperous 60s but as teens and young adults,  were sobered up by the rise of unemployment, terrorism, the de-industrialization, oil embargos, and the Watergate scandal. Yet, they did not complain and kept working hard, hoping for better days to return. They craved big jobs and big money. They were the last ones to not have been born with technology other than TVs, and who created most of the technology we use today:   the first computers, pagers, cel phones, transistors, and pocket calculators. This was the generation who watched the Brady Bunch and Star Wars and  developed new sounds like disco, rap, and electronic music.

Sometimes also referred to as “Boomers II” or “the lost generation”, Generation Jones had 3 subgenerations:

-       The first, had Uranus in Leo (until 1962),

-       The second, the longest and most significant, had Uranus in Virgo (1962-1969)

-       And the 3rd and  last, had Uranus in Libra from 1969 on, as well as, from 1970s on,  Neptune in Sagittarius. Those began the transition into Generation X.


Between 1956 and 1962, came those children born with Uranus in Leo. As the first wave, they formed the transition between the Boomers and Gen. Jones.

A lot of difficulties in adapting to the post war reality, resulted in an explosion of new artistic concepts. Those children were born rebels.  They were very difficult, even destructive. Their forcefulness and strong will made it hard for them to cooperate with each other. They were self-confident, even egocentric, and gave rise to tyrannical leaders and dictators, with the definite goal to rock the apple cart. They felt the need to create new living standards and love more freely.


But it is really between 1962 and 1969, that Generation Jones made its true mark on evolution, as Uranus joined Pluto in Virgo.

There was a lot of social unrest, as for example the May 1968 revolution in France where the students took to the streets and built barricades in rebellion. There was a need to blast the world to pieces and get rid of outmoded values.

Labor unions became political forces. Civil rights movements rose everywhere. Automation started replacing human workers.

The revolutionary changes in science, employment, and technology intensified.

They became very aware of pollution and the management of waste, and introduced the concept of recycling. A lot of advanced medical research took place during that time. They  became very conscious of the necessity to return to the earth, insisted on good nutrition and healthy diets, normalized the use of vitamins and organic foods, brought great advances in public health, and discovered miracle drugs. Pre-packaged meals appeared.

With Neptune in Scorpio (1957-1970), Psychedelic drugs opened new realms of consciousness precipitating an identity crisis.

During that time, new methods of birth control were introduced which brought about the sexual revolution. Original lifestyles, free love, and a looser sexual morality were explored. The exploitation of sex for commercial purposes became more open.

Toys, gadgets were given in the place of true love which led to a form of exaggerated materialism and constant dissatisfaction.

But on the other hand, there was a  deeper need to explore our inner worlds,  life after death, as well as understand ancient mysteries, and the laws of life developed. Many psychics were born during that period. That is where started the popularity of the effect of mind over matter and how our thoughts affect our physical health.

Towards the end of that generation, preparing the arrival of Generation X, starting in 1968, Uranus entered Libra

Which led to the explosion of the family unit. The external form given to human connections was less important than how the relationship truly supported each person’s individuality and supported the partner’s independence. Most preferred living together to being legally married. There were also more divorces, resulting in increased numbers of single parenting.

New forms of art appeared. Music became more psychedelic, colors more fluorescent.

And those born from 1970 on, also had Neptune in Sagittarius. They brought revolutionary changes in education, sought mysticism, and questioned the value of organized religion. This spiritual quest for truth led to geographic upheavals, the exploration of different cultures, and the practice of meditation. There was an explosion of sects, gurus, and false prophets. That sub-generation brought a better understanding that the divine resides everywhere, in everything and in everyone.

In Loving Light.

Michelle Karén, M.A., D.F.Astrol.S.

Michelle Karen