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Astrology & Shamanism Workshop, Cancun, Mexico

  • Hotel Xcaret Mexico Carretera Federal Chetumal-Puerto Juárez Kilómetro 282 Lt 023 2 Playa del Carmen Mexico (map)

Astrology & Shamanism

Michelle, whom Kryon said is “a Master Astrologer who reads the Akash directly, the first one to bring Quantum Astrology to this planet” is also a shaman initiated in Peru by the Q’ero Master Shamans. These two major disciplines hold very concrete answers to our daily challenges.

In this dynamic hands-on workshop, requiring no previous knowledge neither of astrology nor shamanism, Michelle will explain what quantum astrology is, share her experiences in Peru and offer very practical ways to find lasting peace and live a life of happiness and abundance.


Date: DECEMBER 16, 2019 

Time: 2:00 PM - 5:30 PM

Cost: $55.00 USD ($66 After November 1, 2019)

Kindly note that this event is part of the Kryon event in Cancun

Please click on this link and select Astrology & Shamanism with Michelle Karen under Afternoon Workshops, where you will be asked to fill out the registration form and make your payment.