Full Transcript of the March 28, 2021 Zoom presentation hosted by Prageet Harris and Julieanne Conard (the StarGate Experience) who interviewed Danijel Trstenjak and Michelle Karén in front of a live audience of over 2000 people.
I started in the visual art, then worked as a graphic designer. Something changed when I began working with the StarGate. My creativity flourished.
It all started with the Elements. I was drawn to paint mandalas for the different Elements which can be expressed in as many ways as life itself.
It is quite a process. I go to the river. As I walk, I sense each rock’s special energy. It’s like they call me. I pick those who stand out and ask Mother Nature if it is OK to paint them. When I get a positive answer, I bring them home and they lie there until they call me again: “I want to be painted today!”. I then sit with the stone and play with it. I look at the lines, I talk to the stone and the stone responds to me. Through this process, I enter a really intimate field of energy and beautiful things start to happen.
At one of the StarGate workshops in London, a participant had an inflammatory condition for which nothing had worked. This lady was attracted to one of my painted rocks. Once in her hotel room, she meditated with it and fell asleep, the stone by her side. The next morning when she woke-up she was totally amazed to realize that her swelling had completely dissolved. It was a miracle! I am not saying that the stone healed her, but it definitely stimulated some self-healing ability in her. I was really excited. For the first time I understood that these energies could be transmitted to other people.
Such an incredible energy comes just by looking at the images of the stones that are on each card. You really get drawn into them. The idea of creating a deck with these energies is such a beautiful way of helping people connect with the depth of information and feeling these stones bring.
When I realized the power of the stones, I wanted to create things (pendants, magnets…) to help people carry these energies with them. A few years ago, I had the idea of creating an Oracle card deck and I wanted to find the person who would be able to match these energies with the written word. I had a reading with Michelle Karén -which by the way I recommend everybody to have. It was fantastic. It was amazing to hear about myself from the perspective of the stars, and we decided to do something together. Because I work with the elemental energies and she is a well-known Quantum Astrologer, it felt like a very logical partnership. Combining the Elements of the Earth with the astrological influence of the planets flowed naturally.
When Danijel showed me the pictures of his rock paintings, I was blown away. I’ve seen people create mandalas and amazing art, but what he does has such a powerful energy. It is encoded with a light and a meaning that makes his work absolutely unique. So when he asked me if I would be willing to write the text, I was excited. To his question of how I envisioned it, since the Elements (Fire, Earth, Air, Water) were the basis of Danijel’s inspiration, it felt natural to match each card with a Planet in an Element which from a purely Astrological standpoint is rather unusual, as normally we would consider the Planets in the Signs.
Fire represents inspiration. It is related to creativity, spontaneity, movement. Earth is everything that is solid, grounded, material, physical. Air is associated to our mind, how we think about things, how we communicate. Water is emotional. It is our connection to our feelings, our intuition.
The Planets also have specific meanings: the Sun is success, Mercury, communication, Venus, how we love, Mars how we act….
Combining a Planet with an Element yields profound interpretations. Far from being a few words put together in the hope they will have some meaning for the person drawing the card, this connection gives us deep insights.
Each card has:
- The sacred geometry that Danijel created
- The symbol of a Planet in an Element which also carries specific codes, as these were not randomly created.
- A title which summarizes what is developed in the booklet
- Danijel had the brilliant idea of creating a colored rim: orange for all the Fire cards, green for all the Earth cards, grey for all the Air cards and blue for all the Water cards, so that it is easy to go through the deck and find what you are looking for even if you have no astrological knowledge which is absolutely not needed to use this deck.
The booklet consists of 109 pages detailing the ways to use the cards, as well as their positive aspects and the challenges that need to be watched out for.
I wanted the text to be a tool for self-improvement. The cards can be meditated upon, placed under your pillow at night, in your purse, in your car, pasted on your bathroom mirror…. You are also invited to journal. The idea was that similarly to the I-Ching (the classic divination text of the Ancient Chinese) which I use a lot and love, it would not be just an Oracle, but also a book of wisdom, something to work with, take notes, extract what is particularly relevant.
It can answer any question you have through 1 card for a quick answer, 3 cards detailing the past, present and future or an 8 card draw to go deeper into the undercurrents of a present situation and how to navigate it to its final outcome. What is nice is that this does not give some random interpretation. The answer is connected cosmically. The sacred geometry channeled by Danijel walks hand in hand with the language of the stars (astro-logos).
Which is why we called it a “fusion of Elemental and Cosmic energies”.
Because the rock designs came before the astrology part, the initial challenge for me was connecting the pictures with the Planets. Obviously, we could only have 44 cards. There were so many cards to choose from (Danijel is very productive!), I had to make a selection. But when I meditated on each card, the Planets themselves told me which painted rock they corresponded to. So even that was an intuitive process.
There is a resonance. As Alcazar said, the cards are direct access points.
Beloved Ones, we greet thee. This is Alcazar. As always, it is a great honor to be with each and everyone of you at this moment of your now. We invite you to simply relax for a moment, for you have heard beautiful explanations from these two (Michelle and Danijel) about the incredible energetics that have gone into the production of these beautiful images and the thoughts and the connection to spirit that has gone into finding the right words to harmonize with these beautiful, beautiful paintings. We have said already that the energy held in these cards if you relax, if you take a moment just to be still inside, can create a doorway into the Quantum. They can connect you to a higher perspective of what is occurring in your life or in the situation you are choosing to ask about. It is of great import now for humanity to know of the Quantum Field and to begin to access it in your daily life. The StarGate is very much about bringing the Quantum to you and these cards can assist you moment to moment whenever you have a question and then select the card that is appropriate. Because if you simply drop into that silent space, relaxed, open, before you choose the card, you will be drawing the Quantum into that moment for yourself, and as you do this, the magic of the Field will touch you….
Julieanne (continuing the CHANNELING OF ALCAZAR)
…And indeed, this Quantum access point can speak directly to you. Not just insights, not just wisdom or information for the mind that opens a portal of understanding into your situation, but energetics on a Quantum level that start to work with you in order to resolve or pave the way or reflect that situation in your own energy field. This is why we have said these cards access the Quantum. Because accessing the Quantum is not just about peering into the potentials of the future. It is not just about reflecting upon the lessons contained in a given situation. It is also about the transformative quality of the Quantum Field itself. Every molecule in your body is an expression of the Quantum Field. Your planetary systems are far more than you currently realize. Your planets have a far greater influence on humanity than many recognize currently, but some of you do (smile). And each one of these planets Beloved Ones, as well as the Elements, contain higher dimensional aspects. So this too is a doorway into the Quantum. Both of these individuals who have created these cards are aware of the higher dimensional Elements of the Earth (Danijel), the higher dimensional qualities of the Planets (Michelle) and this is what you are being invited to explore…
Prageet (concluding the CHANNELING OF ALCAZAR)
…So Beloved Ones, when you choose your card or cards, do not be in a rush. Before you seek the words, tune into the image for the image carries an energetic. See if you can allow your eyes just to softly focus on the image and allow it to connect with you. And then, when you feel that connection, turn to the booklet and read the Quantum energetic that comes in the words. And Beloved Ones, enjoy the process! We thank you.
Michelle & Danijel:
That was amazing! Thank you!
There is so much energy coming through…
In the story I shared earlier, all the energy that healed that lady from Denmark is now in the cards.
What questions can people ask?
What is my higher purpose? What are my strongest character traits? What should I be careful of? What karma am I presently resolving?....
Prageet (looking at the chat box):
The most asked question right now is: Where can I buy these cards?
Michelle (jokingly):
Well… let me draw a card for this… Oh!!!! “Impulsive Action”! Seriously! That’s the card I just drew! For real!
We want to invite you all to follow Michelle’s work and join her mailing list. She sends out wonderful write-ups about eclipses and various astrological trends.
And I also have to say, both Jules and I have had a personal reading from Michelle. It is indescribable the incredible amount of information that came through about me that I knew and then on top of that all kinds of understandings, suggestions and information to guide me into my future. I was totally blown away by Michelle.
And similarly for me, showing up to that session and having the floodgates open up with all this information flowing in was such an incredible experience. Thank you so much!
Thank you! That means a lot. Danijel also has beautiful products. You can get your own hand painted rock and a lot more…
Yes! People asked me if I could paint the energy specific to one individual. So I tried and this gave amazing results. I could feel the energy of the person around me. Then the stone started communicating with me, the lines, the colors began working together with the Elements and form the portrait of the person’s Higher Self. The now many people who own their personal stone feel the energy and the support that helps them become the best version of themselves.
Which is why the collaboration with Danijel was so perfect. We each see the world in a similar way, he through mandalas and I through Astrology, but it is the same process. When we do our work, we are both navigating the Quantum. I am so excited about this deck. It was a quarantine baby!
Yes, it took us a whole year (2020, the covid lockdown year).
The text came from such inner depths. It was intense to write.
Julieanne (looking at the chat box):
There is a kind of synthesis of all the questions: Can you draw a card to encourage us all?
Michelle (shuffling):
Once you get your deck, do not lend it to anyone. It should have only your energy. Meditate on it. Make it yours. Wrap it in white silk or black velvet to protect it and place it in a sacred place. This is not something you should have on your coffee table for anyone to play with. You can draw a card for someone else as long as you are the only one touching your cards. Your deck will then have pure energy, your energy.
Lay a ceremonial cloth on the table and shuffle while focusing on the question. Cut the deck wherever comes to you intuitively. The bottom card holds the answer. In this case: “Powers of Attraction”, Uranus in Air (Michelle reads from the booklet):
“In this situation, your thinking needs to be fast, your ideas brilliant, and your responses sharp and spicy.
You are required to develop a special gift for debates and manifest an excellent intellectual talent. An attraction to different ways of considering life is a plus, as well as being inventive and experimental.
You may find yourself pioneering in science, literature, justice, and anything electronic. In the matter at hand, you need to be kind, friendly, independent and original, with a telepathic understanding of people’s motivations, and an attraction to unusual forms of self-expression.
You may show an inclination for Science Fiction, reveal an innate scientific gift and be an imaginative reformer.
In the present circumstances, it is important that you are ready to give time and energy to a friend in need, and raise money for charities. A lively, dynamic approach to life is encouraged. It may magnetize to you people filled with exciting ideas, who expose you to original concepts and inspire you to experimental living arrangements.”
Well… isn’t the whole world in science fiction mode right now? I won’t read the negatives which include confusion, impracticality, restlessness and the inability to relax….
I am speechless and really excited to share this with all our friends. Thank you for creating these cards. If you (the audience) have been touched by what you heard and what you’ve seen, we encourage you to get one of these decks for yourselves.
Julieanne (reading the comments in the chat box):
A lot of the participants (over 2000) are expressing their appreciation and gratitude for this. Ever since Danijel told us it was happening, I have been feeling so excited about this Oracle deck.
Yes! You made it! Thank you for your gift to the world!
The Stargate
“The Oracle Cards are so beautiful and wonderful to work with. As I sit reviewing the cards, I envision building a Trellis of Higher Aspirations guiding me into my future.”
“Your beautiful deck arrived today.
The cards are exquisite and already speaking to me.
It is as if a piece of your heart sits on my desk, advising, encouraging, and so loving.
What a blessing to have you in our lives,
Best love,”