Mars Retrograde Dec 6, 2024-Feb 23, 2025

Mars, which is only retrograde every 2 years, will start its apparent backward motion against the background of the fixed stars on Dec 6, 2024 until February 23, 2025 when it will become direct again. The last time this event occurred in Leo and Cancer, was between Dec 20, 2009 and March 10, 2010. We may want to remember what was going on in our lives at that time to get an idea on what might happen again now.

Retrogradations always ask us to slow down and reassess our direction. When Mars is concerned, frustrations, impatience, impulsive behavior, anger, unresolved emotional issues, misunderstandings, and the need to face the consequences of previous actions could occur.

During the next 2 months and a 1/2, while our energy is being turned inward, our desires can literally reach for the stars. Even if our ideals are unrealistic, and our intensified competitiveness is less obvious, we still want to win and be in command. Yet, we are being asked to reassess our plans, passions, and sense of power in a grounded way. It is essential that we develop more warmth and humility in our actions, and engage in endeavors that are enriching to us while also enhancing other people’s lives. This is not a good period to commit to anything of importance, but it is perfect for getting in touch with our goals and redefining existing projects. We may find that our determination, power, courage, resilience, enthusiasm, willpower, and passion are being tested. Being too pushy, clingy, or forcing a situation just to suit our own needs will only backfire. On the other hand, we could also doubt our instincts and hesitate to move forward.

The obstacles, complications, and conflicts we are likely to encounter force us to stop and ask ourselves important questions: are we moving in the right direction? Are we doing all we can do? What are the costs of choosing that particular path? It is essential that we look before we leap, and allow our goals to develop organically. If something is not working out the way we wanted, compromising, demonstrating patience, developing new strategies, and having a wait-and-see attitude will eventually bring us to the finish line.

We are challenged to come to terms with our own desires. Our sexual needs are intensified but are unlikely to be expressed in a spontaneous or direct manner. Revisiting an old relationship that did not end well in the hope to change its outcome, is not advised. Unduly rehashing the past, going back to what was, what should have or could have been -which could be a pitfall of Mars retrograde in Cancer and Leo, is NOT recommended. The past is past and we cannot -nor should we, try to change it, but we can change our perspective on it, release the anger or guilt it still triggers in us, and learn our lesson.

Our sense of comfort and security is brought to the forefront prompting us to reassess our domestic circumstances. While conflicts with family members could resurface, it might be difficult to understand the motivations behind their actions.

It may be time to tackle those renovations we have kept postponing. if we need to move, it might be best to wait until Mars is direct again, but during its retrogradation, we can start throwing or giving away what we no longer need or want, and box what will be support us the best in the next stage of our life.

We may find that we are more prone to illnesses or accidents than usual. Acting in haste, over-exercising, driving under the influence, or hanging out with potentially aggressive, violent or drunk people, is more than ever ill-advised. Ignoring internal alarms or battling on someone else's behalf is not recommended, yet, internalizing our anger only leads to resentment, depression, and apathy. It is imperative that we find positive, creative outlets to our pent-up emotions and frustrations, and develop a new sense of courage.

During this period, we are brought back into balance by rethinking our actions, developing some self-control, adopting healthier habits, as well as practicing diplomacy and non-reactivity. It is important that we use the next 2 and 1/2 months to slow down, take some quiet time to become clear on what is behind our own impulses, reconsider our options, and most of all, have faith.

Michelle Karen